35mm Film Lightroom Preset Pack


The presets I use to adjust the colour on my digitised 35mm film photos. Create a low-contrast, minimal and warm colour, perfect for your instagram feed. These presets have been thoughtfully curated especially for 35mm film photography - whether you use a disposable camera or a point-and-shoot. Once installed in your Lightroom mobile app, you can apply and adjust these presets to give you the perfect minimal, low contrast instagram edit! The presets work on iPhone and Android.

I have done my best to make sure these presets are versatile and work on a variety of images, however they will always work best on photographs with good light. Once you have applied the preset, I would recommend adjusting the exposure setting in your Lightroom app on a photo-by-photo basis.

The Presets:

Soft Film - A light, airy look. I like using this for interior shots and spring photos.

Dreamy Film - Warm, minimal and dreamy. I like using this preset for holiday and festival photos, but it’s really versatile and works for lots of images.

Mood Film - A warm, moody wash for a minimal, cool instagram feed. I like to use this on my city photos and photos featuring architecture.

Dark Film - Warm and dark, low exposure and low contrast. I use this on photos where I want to create a cinematic atmosphere or mood.

The download contains two .zip folders containing the presets for iPhone and Android, along with a .txt file with instructions on how to install. If you’re still struggling, check out my blog posts for further help.

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